Board of Adjustment
The Board of Adjustment is in place to hear and decide on appeals made by Prairie City residents regarding rules or requirements related to the zoning ordinance, and to grant variances when appropriate. The Board can also reverse decisions made by the Zoning Administrator when deemed fit.
Community Celebration Commission
The Community Celebration Commission works to create opportunities for activity and entertainment suitable for all Prairie City residents. The Commission is responsible for planning and producing events held for community celebrations.
Economic Development Commission
Prairie City’s Economic Development Commission serves as an advisor to City Council when planning economic development within Prairie City. At least three members of the Commission must own, operate, or work for a Prairie City business.
Library Board
The duty of the Library Board is to oversee all operations of the Prairie City Public Library. The Board is responsible for hiring the Library Director and works with that individual to ensure that the library fulfills community needs and will continue to do so in the future.
Park Board
The role of the Park Board is to make recommendations for the efficient operation, maintenance, and creation of city parks. With Council approval, the Commission also has the power to establish rules and regulations regarding the operation, maintenance, and use of Prairie City’s public parks.
Planning and Zoning Commission
The Prairie City Planning and Zoning Commission is responsible for establishing city zoning regulations and recommending alterations to those regulations to City Council. The Commission also reviews and comments on city improvements; plans, plats, or re-plats of subdivisions or re-subdivisions of land; and improvements to public streets and parks.
Click here for board and commission members.
Contact City Hall at 515-994-2649 for information about meeting times for each of the boards and commissions listed above. Prairie City residents are invited to serve on the boards and commissions. If you’re interested in serving, please submit the Boards and Commissions Application to City Hall. All appointments are made by the Mayor and approved by City Council.