Author Archives: City Admin
Update for Utility Billing Customers
City utility customers experienced a recent temporary change in the billing cycle which was a direct result of conversion issues involving program design by the company the City uses for utility billing.
Consequently, utility bills were sent in the mail on Friday, January 24, 2025, and customers have until February 13, 2025, to pay their most recent bill. Utility customer’s next utility bills, however, are planned to be sent on time on Monday, February 10, 2025.
City staff thank you for your patience as we continue to work with the utility billing software company with the conversion to a cloud-based program.
Update for Utility Billing Customers
Utility Billing Customers:
Currently, utility bills are tentatively planned to be distributed this Friday, January 24, 2025. These utility bills will include several additional days from the previous utility bills.
After this utility billing cycle, the next utility bills however, will include less days as the utility bills are planned to be distributed on February 10, 2025, and will be due by February 28, 2025, in accordance with the City’s policy.
Thank you all for your continued support and cooperation as the city continues transitioning the utility billing to the new cloud- based system. Please contact City staff with any questions at 515-994-2649.
Jerry Moore, City Administrator
Notice to utility customers utilizing ACH payment
The City Council voted on 1-8-25 to credit the $1.30 processing fee for the December 2024 utility bill only for utility customers that used ACH to pay their utility bill.
Open Seats on City Boards and Commissions
The city is taking applications from persons interested in serving on the Park Board or the Economic Development Commission. If interested, please submit an application by January 3 to City Hall attention Mayor Chad Alleger or City Administrator Jerry Moore.
City Equipment for Sale
Listing of equipment for sale can be found under Request for Proposal tab. The listing is also on the city’s Facebook page, City of Prairie City
Notice of Collection Delay During Christmas and New Year’s.

Notice of spoofing scam of City Hall phone number
Delay in December Utility Bill Notices
Reminder of payment options available at City Hall
Just a friendly reminder that the city offers a variety of different ways to pay your utility account:
- Auto Pay (deducted from your checking on the 21st each month, approximately)
- Online pay (on the City’s website)
- Auto pay with your bank (the bank sends the check)
- Cash, check, or card payment at City Hall
As always, contact City Hall if you have any questions.