Blacktop Services Co is scheduled to be working on street improvements within the City of Prairie City beginning Oct 26th until the projects are complete. Orange traffic cones and/or barricades will be set up in the work zone areas during construction at the following street locations:
Washington Street: Between N Main St and N Marshall St
W Sixth St: From N Madison intersection and going west 105′ to first driveway
W Sixth St: At far west end at cul-de-sac and then east approx 123′ (past manhole)
Orchard St: Between 8th St and 9th St from house #505 to #606. May be closed half the day
S Madison St & McMurray Intersection: North and south of this intersection at 146′ and McMurray intersection
E North St: From Christian Reformed Church entrance, then east 693′ to end of sealcoat. Includes N Neeley and N Dewey intersections
W North St: From N West St, then east 61′
East St: From E Jefferson and south to the end of street. Street may be closed half the day
E Fifth St: From N Marshall intersection, then east 109′ on north half of E Fifth St
E South St: From S State St, the west 112′ to first driveway
Road Construction signs will be set up for the above stated areas on E North St, W North St, E South St, and on Washington St, if necessary. One lane will be kept open during construction except on East St and Orchard St sections that may be closed for a few hours or overnight.