Prairie City Police Department

Chief of Police: Kevin Gott
Guided by its motto of “excellence through professionalism,” the Prairie City Police Department is committed to protecting the safety and security of Prairie City residents. The police department employs three full-time and seven part-time officers.

The Prairie City Police Department is dedicated to the principles of servant leadership. As servant leaders, each member understands the awesome responsibilities they have been entrusted with and approach those responsibilities as true servants. It is understood that servants do not serve themselves, nor do they serve some but not others. A servant serves when they are called upon. They serve with compassion, understanding, and reason. It is with this goal in mind that we strive to do the right thing, for the right reason in every instance. We realize we are human, and therefore flawed, but that reality will not excuse us from seeking excellence in all we do.

In addition to preventative patrol and conflict resolution, the police department offers the following:

  • Community outreach – the department works closely with the Prairie City-Monroe School District and School Resource Officer.
  • DOT salvage vehicle inspections Monday -Friday after 1pm.
  • Vacation watch for residents’ homes while away from home.

Click here for the Vacation House Check request form.

Click here for the Jasper County Tip Line (new Crime Stoppers) to submit an online tip. The P3 Tip line app is also available to download for iPhone and Android.

The Crime Stoppers dedicated phone line of 641-792-8362 is also available. Tips called into that phone line will be entered into P3 tips by dispatch if the crime is not in progress and sent to the respectful jurisdiction.

Direct all questions and concerns to the appropriate numbers listed below.

Please note: With the exception of emergency situations, the police department does not unlock vehicles.

Contact Information
Chief of Police: Kevin Gott

Full-time Officer: Bill Sickels

Full-time Officer: Matt Covey

Police Department is located within City Hall at 203 E Jefferson St

For Emergencies: 911
For non-emergencies: Call Jasper County Sheriff’s Office Dispatch at 641-792-5912

For animal control call Jasper County at 641-792-7603.

*If you have lost your pet and live in Jasper County, visit Parkview Animal Hospital‘s Facebook page to see if your pet has been found. You may also contact Parkview Animal Hospital at 641-792-0340 to see if your pet was dropped off and to set up a time to reunite.